Tuesday 18 November 2014

Kisah Cirit Birit Mikhail Berlarutan Selama 5 Hari

Cirit birit adalah perkara yang MESTI kita bimbang bila datang sekali dengan muntah2. Kalau muntah ada maknanya it's dangerous! Kalau cirit sahaja perlu lah dijaga dengan extra care lah..

Kenapa? Sebab kalau cirit dah tentu lah anak keluarkan berak cair (banyak air badan tu keluar) at the same time bila muntah pulak pun keluar jugak banyak air dari dalam badan. So kalau berlarutan boleh menyebabkan dehyrated yg teruk n boleh buatkan anak kita sampai nampak kering! 

Ini berlaku pada Mikhail seminggu lepas. Now alhamdulillah dah sihat sepenuhnya.

Mengikut kata dr pakar Dr Ling Shih Gang gitula kot ejaan nye... pakar tropicana medical center..
untuk budak2 berumur 12 tahun ke bawah memang TAK BOLEH diberi makan ubat cirit birit! bahaya sebab boleh memberi kesan yang tak baik pada anak.

Doktor suruh bagi banyak makan sayur2, buah-buahan & tidur mesti cukup untuk make sure imunisasi badan dia kuat. 

1. Masa cirit birit tu bagila makan buah PISANG. 
Untuk pekatkan sikit berak dia. 

2. Mesti bagi minum air yang sangat banyak! Sebab anak telah kehilangan air semasa cirit dan muntah tu.

3. Kalau bagi makan dia taknak, asik muntah2.. so jgn paksa..bagi slow2 sikit je..jgn bagi terus byk skali gus.

4. Make sure kebersihan mesti dijaga.

5. Cirit birit boleh berjangkit pada kanak2 lain dan juga orang dewasa (ni saya mula2 tak percaya.. bila tanya dr ling, baru percaya sebab dia pakar hehehe)

antara ubat yg dr pakar dr ling bg ialah ubat bancuh ORS mcm air garam..sgt penting supaya x dehydrate..ubat tahan muntah masuk kat punggung tu dgn ubat supplement utk perut..

Cirit2 takde ubat utk kanak2 bwh 12thn. ianya akan reda dgn sendirinye.usually takes maximum 7 days br btul2 ok..mcm mikhail 5 hari dah pulih sepenuhnye..alhamdulillah

Sunday 2 November 2014

Fine motor skills (Table by GGS Information Services)

Fine motor skills
(Table by GGS Information Services.)
SOURCE Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, 5th ed. and Child Development Institute, http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com.
One to three monthsReflexively grasps finger or toy placed in hand.
Three monthsGrasping reflex gone. Briefly holds small toy voluntarily when it is placed in the hand.
Four monthsHolds and shakes rattle. Brings hands together to play with them. Reaches for objects but frequently misses them.
Five monthsGrasps objects deliberately. Splashes water. Crumples paper.
Six monthsHolds bottle. Grasps at own feet. May bring toes to mouth.
Seven monthsTransfers toy from hand to hand. Bangs objects on table. Puts everything into the mouth. Loves playing with paper.
Nine monthsAble to grasp small objects between thumb and forefinger.
Ten monthsPoints at objects with index finger. Lets go of objects deliberately.
Eleven monthsPlaces object into another's hand when requested, but does not release.
Twelve monthsPlaces and releases object into another's hand when requested. Rolls ball on floor. Starts to hold crayon and mark paper with it.
Fifteen monthsBuilds tower of two blocks. Repeatedly throws objects on floor. Starts to be able to take off clothing, starting with shoes.
Eighteen monthsBuilds tower of three blocks. Starts to feed self well with spoon. Turns book pages two or three at a time. Scribbles on paper.
Two yearsBuilds tower of six or seven blocks. Turns book pages one at a time. Turns door knobs and unscrews jar lids. Washes and dries hands. Uses spoon and fork well.
Two and a half yearsBuilds tower of eight blocks. Holds pencil between fingers instead of grasping with fist.
Three yearsBuilds tower of nine or ten blocks. Puts on shoes and socks. Can button and unbutton. Carries containers with little spilling or dropping.
Four yearsDresses self except for tying. Cuts with scissors, but not well. Washes and dries face.
Five yearsDresses without help. Ties shoes. Prints simple letters.
A toddler demonstrates his fine motor skills by grasping and munipulating building blocks. ( S. Villeger/Explorer/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
A toddler demonstrates his fine motor skills by grasping and munipulating building blocks.
(© S. Villeger/Explorer/Photo Researchers, Inc.)

Read more: http://www.healthofchildren.com/E-F/Fine-Motor-Skills.html#ixzz3HyX55u00

puzzle shape & lukis crayon mesti pandai before 15months

beli ni duluuu



http://handsonaswegrow.com/fine-motor-skills-activities/ nice info!!

Toys yang bagus beri rangsangan untuk Mikhail cepat berjalan! :)

Ni sekadar gambar.. gambar sebenar nnt saya replace yer haha...actually lebih kurang camni la plastic car mikhail dapat hadiah dari Pak Besar masa umur dia 11 bulan. Tapi mula2 dpt tu dia belum tahu lagi camna nak naik sambil tolak kaki.. dia banyak tolak2 aje kat bontot car tu..lama2 saya notice kaki dia makin hari makin kuat! Kemain suka dia pusing2 satu rumah sambil tonggek2 tolak car dia tu kan..

After 1 month main benda tu..Mikhail dah boleh berjalan! :)

FYI saya tak pernah pakaikan walker untuk Mikhail. Say no to walker okay!.. it;s not good for brain development. Plastic car kat atas ni memang merangsang dan menguatkan lagi kaki mikhail untuk berjalan. Alhamdulillah it helps a lot :)

Thank you so much Pak Besar.. moga murah rezeki Pak Besar dia kan..

Bila Mikhail mula berjalan dan tumbuh gigi..

Alhamdulillah makin besar anak mama dah sekarang.. FYI Mikhail start berjalan masa tepat umur dia masuk 1 tahun.. Mikhail nye gigi lambat tumbuh.. dulu masa mula pantang tu ada tumbuh gigi halus tu.. lepas tu tak tumbuh2..sehinggalah umur Mikhail 11 bulan.. terus tumbuh sekali gus 6 batang..

Mikhail seorang yang sangat aktif. Memang tak mau dok diam ler kalau duk kat kerusi sambil layan pocoyo tu dia boleh maximum sampai 15-20 minit je..pastu konfem takmo dah..dia nangis nak kuar..

Dan start umur setahun jugak Mikhail terus anti botol. Jadi mama dia ni la orang yg paling pening kepala hari2 fikir cara camana nak bagi mikhail minum susu nie...

not exactly the same tapi lebih kurang camni la gaya botol straw yg saya belikan untuk mikhail.so far dia okay pulak minum guna benda alah ni..bila terjatuh dia pandai ambil and minum sendiri dah..alhamdulillah..mcm2 dah cuba last2 ni yg okay..janji bukan botol susu =_=


1 tahun 1 bulan Mikhail dah pandai 123..456...sampai 10..hahah comelnye anak mama ni.. abc dia tengah try2 lagi walaupun byk yg tercicir =_= takper insyaAllah boleh.. Ni berjalan pun dah makin laju..mama tak perlu risau lagi dah..

Bijak anak mama :)