Friday 9 May 2014

Cabaran Power Pumping Selama Sebulan BERTURUT2!

Memandangkan Cik Kak ni cakap, 

Bagaimana saya mengatasi masalah susu merudum ini? Simple Formula : POWER PUMPING + PAM SECARA KONSISTEN serta bantuan daripada set TRIPPLE M. 

Selalunya anda perlu lakukan minimum 2 minggu dan saya sarankan untuk teruskan sehingga sebulan.

Jika anda berhajat untuk menyusukan anak anda sehingga usianya 2 tahun, jangan culas dalam mengepam kerana sekali anda mengelat, maka anda menjauhkan diri anda daripada kejayaan mendapatkan PhD dalam penyusuan.

Read more: Testimoni: Baju basah lepas 10 hari susu merudum | MyCHibiBox Vitamin 

Ini kerana, sekarang ni susu saya mengalami kemeruduman yang teramat sangat..
dari 15oz-17oz saya sekarang cuma dapat bawak balik 8oz-11oz sahaja! Waduh2... wajiblah untuk bersemangat kembali!! So Ramadhan dah nak dekat pada hujung bulan Jun, mari kita mulakan cabaran PP selama sebulan ni!

Starting : 15/5/2014 - 15/6/2014

So, here we gooooooooooooooo...this is my latest schedule for PP:

16/5/2014 NYS
17/5/2014 NYS
18/5/2014 NYS
19/5/2014 NYS
20/5/2014 NYS
21/5/2014 NYS
22/5/2014 NYS
23/5/2014 NYS
24/5/2014 NYS
25/5/2014 NYS
26/5/2014 NYS
27/5/2014 NYS
28/5/2014 NYS
29/5/2014 NYS
30/5/2014 NYS
31/5/2014 NYS
1/6/2014 NYS
2/6/2014 NYS
3/6/2014 NYS
4/6/2014 NYS
5/6/2014 NYS
6/6/2014 NYS
7/6/2014 NYS
8/6/2014 NYS
9/6/2014 NYS
10/6/2014 NYS
11/6/2014 NYS
12/6/2014 NYS
13/6/2014 NYS
14/6/2014 NYS
15/6/2014 NYS

*NYS stands for Not Yet Started

Go Go Mizan! Go! You can do it! :)

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Breastfeeding your baby for even a day is the best baby gift you can give. Breastfeeding is almost always the best choice for your baby. If it doesn't seem like the best choice for you right now, these guidelines may help.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR JUST A FEW DAYS, he will have received your colostrum, or early milk. By providing antibodies and the food his brand-new body expects, nursing gives your baby his first - and easiest - "immunization" and helps get his digestive system going smoothly. Breastfeeding is how your baby expects to start, and helps your own body recover from the birth. Why not use your time in the hospital to prepare your baby for life through the gift of nursing?

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR FOUR TO SIX WEEKS, you will have eased him through the most critical part of his infancy. Newborns who are not breastfed are much more likely to get sick or be hospitalized, and have many more digestive problems than breastfed babies. After 4 to 6 weeks, you'll probably have worked through any early nursing concerns, too. Make a serious goal of nursing for a month, call La Leche League or a Lactation Consultant if you have any questions, and you'll be in a better position to decide whether continued breastfeeding is for you.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 3 OR 4 MONTHS, her digestive system will have matured a great deal, and she will be much better able to tolerate the foreign substances in commercial formulas. If there is a family history of allergies, though, you will greatly reduce her risk by waiting a few more months before adding anything at all to her diet of breastmilk. And giving nothing but your milk for the first four months gives strong protection against ear infections for a whole year.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 6 MONTHS, she will be much less likely to suffer an allergic reaction to formula or other foods. At this point, her body is probably ready to tackle some other foods, whether or not you wean. Nursing for at least 6 months helps ensure better health throughout your baby's first year of life, and reduces your own risk of breast cancer. Nursing for 6 months or more may greatly reduce your little one's risk of ear infections and childhood cancers. And exclusive, frequent breastfeeding during the first 6 months, if your periods have not returned, provides 98% effective contraception.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 9 MONTHS, you will have seen him through the fastest and most important brain and body development of his life on the food that was designed for him - your milk. You may even notice that he is more alert and more active than babies who did not have the benefit of their mother's milk. Weaning may be fairly easy at this age... but then, so is nursing! If you want to avoid weaning this early, be sure you've been available to nurse for comfort as well as just for food.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR A YEAR, you can avoid the expense and bother of formula. Her one-year-old body can probably handle most of the table foods your family enjoys. Many of the health benefits this year of nursing has given your child will last her whole life. She will have a stronger immune system, for instance, and will be much less likely to need orthodontia or speech therapy. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for at least a year, to help ensure normal nutrition and health for your baby.

IF YOU NURSE YOUR BABY FOR 18 MONTHS, you will have continued to provide your baby's normal nutrition and protection against illness at a time when illness is common in other babies. Your baby is probably well started on table foods, too. He has had time to form a solid bond with you - a healthy starting point for his growing independence. And he is old enough that you and he can work together on the weaning process, at a pace that he can handle. A former U.S. Surgeon General said, "it is the lucky baby... that nurses to age two."

IF YOUR CHILD WEANS WHEN SHE IS READY, you can feel confident that you have met your baby's physical and emotional needs in a very normal, healthy way. In cultures where there is no pressure to wean, children tend to nurse for at least two years. The World Health Organization and UNICEF strongly encourage breastfeeding through toddlerhood: "Breastmilk is an important source of energy and protein, and helps to protect against disease during the child's second year of life."* Our biology seems geared to a weaning age of between 2 1/2 and 7 years**, and it just makes sense to build our children's bones from the milk that was designed to build them. Your milk provides antibodies and other protective substances as long as you continue nursing, and families of nursing toddlers often find that their medical bills are lower than their neighbors' for years to come. Mothers who have nursed longterm have a still lower risk of developing breast cancer. Children who were nursed longterm tend to be very secure, and are less likely to suck their thumbs or carry a blanket. Nursing can help ease both of you through the tears, tantrums, and tumbles that come with early childhood, and helps ensure that any illnesses are milder and easier to deal with. It's an all-purpose mothering tool you won't want to be without! Don't worry that your child will nurse forever. All children stop eventually, no matter what you do, and there are more nursing toddlers around than you might guess.

WHETHER YOU NURSE FOR A DAY OR FOR SEVERAL YEARS, the decision to nurse your child is one you need never regret. And whenever weaning takes place, remember that it is a big step for both of you. If you choose to wean before your child is ready, be sure to do it gradually, and with love.

Monday 5 May 2014

Perut Saya Macam BOLA selepas bersalin!

Saya tak tipu. Memang perut saya macam bola sebaik sahaja selepas bersalin. Pernah tengok tak bola yang selalu budak2 main tu..haa besar tu.. Semasa mengandung perut saya memang besar. Ada yang ingat twin. Taktau lah macam mana boleh besar. Bila anak yang keluar, 3.3kg saya rasa takde la besar sangat kan..

Masa pantang, jumpa je tetamu raaaaamai cakap macam ni kat saya,

"Kesiannya Mizan..macam mana bole perut jadi besar macam ni?"
"Kesian tengok...takper nanti bole kurus" <--positive side
"Saya dulu lepas bersalin perut terus flat, takde pulak macam ni (sambil tunjuk perut saya, rasa macam nak hamput je makcik sorang ni)"

Masa tu saya betul2 rasa rendah diri, rasa macam nape perut aku macam ni.. Nak berdepan ngan suami nak tunjuk perut pun rasa malu siap tutup2 siap marah2 kalau tertengok haha.. Rasanya tak penah nampak orang lain nye perut lepas bersalin macam ni.. Saya memang down sangat..

Apa lagi? Waktu pantang saya siap sedia macam2 barang untuk mengempiskan perut dan mencantikkan body semula haha..Cantik ke?

1. Girdle 3 helai *Ni my mom in law yang bagi..TQ!!
2. Saya beli Bamboo Corset. Best pakai senang nak buang air kecil heheheh..Kena amik size kecik dari size badan kita sebab kata nak kecikkan badan tak gitu?
3. Bengkung yang macam tali kasut tu.. Elok beli jenis yang boleh ikat atas dan bawah, senang nak melepaskan hajat hehe.. Tapi tolong jangan ikut macam saya, berbengkung sambil berbaring at last punggung jatuh...agaknya sebab tu lah? Tah ler.. Sigh~
4. Krim Barut Nona Roguy memang the best sebelum pakai bengkung
5. Saya exercise perut sikit. Kita macam tarik nafas ke dalam. So nampak la perut tu masuk termasuk ke dalam. Buat pagi 10x..petang 10x..malam 10x.. Paham tak? Tak paham boleh tanya..

Lepas habis je pantang. Masuk kerja terus saya makan Omega Guard Shaklee. Memang membantu untuk lebih mengempiskan perutku yang macam bola itu...

Now alhamdulillah tak macam bola dah perutku.. Nak kata flat habis takde la tapi 90% dah kempis..

Bangga what?

Rite now my mom in law selalu puji.. Selim habis dah menantu Mama...wahahahah...bukan main susah my mom in law tu nak puji saya okay..

And makcik2 yang dok kutuk perut saya dulu, bila tengok ternganga..
alhamdulillah.. hehehehehe :P 

But saya still continue Omega Guard sebab nak lagi kurus/kempis perut..senang la nak wat keje bila badan ringan...haa..gituw..

Yang penting, kalau nak kempis perut lepas bersalin kena rajin la pakai bengkung..!
Bertungku juga saaaaaaaaaaaangat penting untuk kecutkan rahim/flatkan perut yer!
Kalau nak kurus cepat kena selalu BREASTFEED your baby!

Kena pandai ejas masa untuk anak & untuk diri sendiri waktu berpantang.. Okay :)

Resepi Untuk Mikhail at 7 Months

Mashed Potato + Spinach (Puree)
1 biji Ubi kentang
1/2 genggam Bayam

2oz EBM


Stim ubi kentang & bayam berasingan. Jangan campur sebab bayam tu kena steam sekejap je. Ubi yang kena stim lama sampai masak,kena betul2 masak takut nnt sakit perut. Dah siap stim, masukkan semua bahan dalam blender termasuk susu ibu dan blend sampai hancur. Siap.

* Mikhail makan dengan excitednye! Dia nye fave food so far..

Puree Epal + Pear

1/2 biji Epal
1/2 biji Pear
1oz EBM


Stim semua buah sampai masak. Dah siap stim, masukkan EBM pastu blend sampai hancur. Siap.

Bubur Kentang + Salmon

1 biji Ubi kentang
Sedikit sliced Salmon
1oz EBM

Stim semua sampai masak. Dah siap stim, masukkan EBM pastu blend sampai hancur. Siap.

Bubur Ayam + Bayam

1 genggam beras + 2 cawan air masak
Daging ayam dicincang
1/2 genggam bayam
2oz EBM (jika mahu)


Masak bubur + ayam guna pressure cooker selama 10 minit jer.
Sementara tu stimkan bayam.
Dah masak semua, masukkan sedikit EBM(jika mahu) dan blend sampai hancur. Siap.

Bubur Bayam + Ubi Kentang + Ayam
1 Tangkai Bayam Hijau - dibuang urat
1 biji Ubi Kentang
1 genggam beras
Isi ayam (ikut suka)

Air rebusan ayam secukupnya

Rebus isi ayam, jangan lupa ambil air rebusan ayam tu buat pulak bubur + kentang.

Stim bayam.
Dah masak semua, blend semua bahan sampai hancur. Siap.

Puree Brokoli *TGK BUKU RESEPI


Friday 2 May 2014

Thursday 1 May 2014